NVIDIA’s “Fundamentals of Deep Learning” workshop - 18.02.2024

Our very own faculty Prof. Dr. Alptekin Temizel delivered NVIDIA’s “Fundamentals of Deep Learning” workshop at our institute on Feb 18th. Throughout the workshop, participants learned how deep learning works through hands-on exercises in computer vision and natural language processing. They trained deep learning models from scratch, learning tools and tricks to achieve highly accurate results. They also learned to leverage state-of-the-art pre-trained models to get their deep learning application up and running quickly and got their NVIDIA DLI certificates. Many thanks to our PhD student Oğuz Hanoğlu and METU our research assistants Ümit Mert Çağlar and Ayberk Aydın for supporting the workshop as teaching assistants and ODTÜ Yapay Zeka Topluluğu for their support.
